Originally Posted By turbo toad
www.b3racingengines.com makes a product to help correct geometry issues with ones valvetrain. Im planning on having a set made for my junk when the time comes to assemble my block.
Good luck
Rocker arm geometry and whether the lifter bores are placed correctly in the block are entirely different matters and really not even related.

Rocker arm geometry is how the rocker pad relates to the valve tip. Lifter bores are relative to pushrod angles and cam timing. If the lifter is in the wrong place or on the wrong angle, the cam timing is off, as the lifter is not on the lobe where it is supposed to be, at a given time

Now in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter that the cam timing may be slightly off? Maybe, maybe not. But that discussion can also be the same as does it really matter, if the deck height and angle is a little off here and there? Maybe, maybe not. Boils down to this. You can do it all right, or you can do it all just ok. How much you want to spend and what are your expectations.

Cab mentioned what a combo above ran. Ok, may it have run even better with more meticulous machine work......maybe, maybe not...........but guys who run Stock, get phenomenal results with what many consider inferior parts......WHY?.....meticulous machine work and attention to detail

I am not even remotely entering the "is it WORTH it" debate, because worth is a relative thing to different people. I am only debating the fact that some seem to think it doesn't matter. Because it DOES matter, if you want it to be as good as it can be

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 12/17/15 04:31 PM.