I posted in the other thread........during the "drivers meeting" the producer himself stepped in and told the guys to "ratchet it up a little" and he stepped out and they continued the shot. Not many like Clark anyway, so he was the one they chose to "get on". He couldn't take the fact that they were getting on HIM and he got out of control and threw the coffee. I was there and thought he got what he deserved.

Truth is, most of these guys are friends and all get along just fine. Even the out of town guys for the most part, because they all know each other. So much of the "drama" is at the encouragement of the producer and after the "shot" is over, they go back to laughing and cutting up. That was the case here, they were all joking around and the producer wanted MORE and boy did he get it. Clark was out of line.

The "list" is way different, because obviously they race every week and you are seeing on TV what happened months ago.

The Louisiana show is a spin off and several episodes have been shot. Some guys from here went down for a taping and raced.

Chuck may have collected Clarks teeth, but he was not the only one who got a piece of him in the altercation

Shane recently went from an F2 Pro-Charger to an F3, so the car is faster and gets down the road pretty well, but he won't have enough for the top 4 or 5 cars, when they make a clean shot

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 12/08/15 05:21 PM.