I guess I’m a hybrid racer, I haven’t chased local bracket points since 1986 and haven’t chased NHRA points since 2002. Each year seems to allow less opportunity to race due to higher priorities or work load in the shop. At this point in my life all I can afford is bracket racing, not that it disappoints me as it’s not easy and is always a challenge to pull down a “W”. Low ET means nothing to me, as a matter of a fact each of the last three dragsters have progressively slowed down due to additional weight and my lack of interest in spending money on HP. I have been using the same engine combinations in my bracket cars every year since 1999. I have been lucky that I have not broken anything, same heads, blocks and cranks – knock on wood – lol.

When I test there is always a dial in on the board (in other words- I don’t T&T) as its more educational for me to get the results in race mode other than just making laps and chasing ET. Being an older racer I can recall when you had to thrash and really study to find performance, now all you need is a cell phone and a credit card. That alone has pretty much killed any personal satisfaction in chasing ET – I simply cannot compete with that. I have been involved in just about every class from Pro Stock on down in some capacity, so I guess I have been blessed with a good experience in this sport and that allows me to be satisfied in what I’m currently doing, as it doesn’t break the bank and I enjoy the challenge.