Man I don't know if it's just me or what, but, I've asked this question before about which transmission would be a better choice for my 68' Barracuda 480 hp w/ 525 tq. Many of you suggested the TF904 over the TF727 from past experience usage or currently running one now. You had good points why the 904 was better, but one thing that I am finding out now is, the shop where my tranny is now getting looked at is telling me that I need about $5300.00 to get a good transmission that would hold up to my engine specs. With my sticker shock, I got online and filled out a spec sheet from another reputable transmission shop, they quoted me $5200.00.. Man I may need to look at the 727 which will not be as expensive or do a turbo 350 adaptor kit. Can someone lead me in a not so expensive direction on a good unit? More thoughts, please. Thx