
I was curious to see how much these help you as I run just SS springs and have run 10.76 @ 124.49 with a 1.50 sixty. I was looking at your et and mph and think the 200 mph with the 10.74 ET is wrong ?? Curious what your mph is with the 10.70 et's. Ron

Sorry, its 200KPH, not MPH, so 120Mph for you colonials on that side of the ocean...

And just for your info, I have never really succeeded to run the car with out some issue that messed up my race weekend. That 10.74 run was followed with a 10.90 run with a messed up transmission (lost 1st gear). That run ended season 2013 with a trans failure. Then in 2014 I managed to mess up one of the front wheels just a day before the first race weekend.. Then I broke my wrist (motorbike accident) and missed out on the two following race weekends. 3 messed up rockers put an end to the 2nd to last race weekend.. Last but not least, come last race weekend got an oil leak, more or less like the Exxon Valdes.. So season 2014 was a

Ive ownded the Charger since 2003 and I have pushed that MF.... car more than actually driven it under its own power.. so, I have never found out what it could/can run... I have counted that I have in total 9 runs on the car, of those runs about 4-5 something happend... What I really should do, if I was smart, is to sell the car, tools and even the garage and start playing Golf or something, car racing does not seem to be working out for me...

Have a

PS. Just to let you know. During the years Ive owned the Charger I have "destroyed" one 440 engine, got close to destroying a 426 Hemi, messed up and rebuilt the 727 trans two times, as I write this, its waiting on its 3rd rebuild (In 2013 I bought a CRT trans that seems to hold up)... Burned 3 starters, busted up converter ringgears, droped a muffler on my head and got to wisit the ER with a concussion, had more carburetor fires than I care to remember (tried to run the Hemi on E85 when E85 first came out on the market)...etc...etc.... Its a never ending struggle, I cant seem to win, the car is just posessed. I thought of having a Priest come and sprinkle Holy water on it, but thought better of it, my guess is that the car would just burst into flames....

Last edited by TomsCharger70; 02/28/15 07:24 AM.