I would always go to Cass for stuff if his price was even close to the ball park. I can drive down there and ask for stuff and he makes sure I have every nut, bolt, shim... you name it, whatever I need he hands it to me tells me how to set it up to last and that extra few bucks is worth it in knowledge and time saved. If he told me I need an 8.75 Dana or 9inch for a customers car I would just do what he tells me, he knows what parts he has sold and what breaks and what don't.

If I ever need nitrous stuff I will call Monte, I would expect to pay a little more than if I pieced it all together off flea-bay but I bet he would know all the little stuff I would need and give me some good feedback on setting it up. It would probably save me more in time than it would cost in extra because I was dealing with a pro.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!