
The thing that bothers me the most is the short driveshaft. Im already starting out shorter than most at 108 wheel base. I can handle the massaging and the fabbing but that to short shaft scares me. By the way I would never have thought of using an air hammer that is a handy tool and to think I used one all the time working in the Airline industry. Thanks

Yep, the short drive shaft does look weird. I think mine is about 36" inches long. However, I honestly can tell no difference when driving the car - except my RPMs are _much_ lower. I *think* my final drive ratio is 4th is 3.36:1 - I have not done the math but that's what the GV people told me it would be and it feels about right. I ended up getting a new drive shaft. It was about $250.

I used an air hammer with a blunt bit. It looks like an inverted, thick, intake valve. It really wasn't a big deal. I think it took me about 4 hours to install it. Most of that time was messing with the tail shaft on the trans. Make sure you have the right snap ring pliers to get the old shaft off and new one on. It will make it much easier.

I also added a couple of degrees of pinion angle with some aluminium shims from Mancinis.

I never used to worry about getting a speeding ticket on the highway since I was always in the right lane going slow. Not any more... My car wants to fly now. One other thing, if I find a stretch of road and I step on it and hit 3rd and then, while I'm still on it, hit 4th, it's pretty darn scary. I don't know what the top speed is now but it is a lot faster than I want to go