I agree with Monte on everything he says here. I see all the time that guys say "I had this best 60 ft". My question is how many times did it run that 60 ft? If you have good components the answer to that question would be several runs in a row. Its about CONSISTENTLY planting the horsepower.
Double adjustable rear shocks are a must in my opinion even on a 11 second leaf spring car. Moving to the front, alot of guys think that a super loose CE type shock is the way to go to get big wheelies thus dead hooking. But heres the kicker... What happens when the front tires come back down and the cheap shock cant dampen the load? It lands all the weight down with enough force that it spins the rear tires. In my case they worked pretty well and then I got into good weather and couldnt control the front end lift. Bought a set of AFCO's and never had that issue again.
When you get into cars like Monte deals with AKA seriously fast, you need to be able to slowly let the front end rise versus hitting it all at once. Its all about the valving

AFCO, Rons Fuel Injection sponsored Dodge Challenger Mention Street Lethal Motorsports