You get a footswitch which you can place next to your high beam...this is essentially just like the high beam footswitch and de/activates your transmission. The other switch supplied goes wherever you please and this is for either splitting your gears (Manual) or leaving it to engage 4th gear overdrive (Auto). Using the footswitch you have to synchronize your shifting with the other switch in Manual mode, hitting 1st gear, reach rpm, hit foot switch now you have gear 1.5. Hit your rpm and shift while simultaneously disengaging the split gear to land at 2nd gear, repeat through this gear and continue on to third. I could never synchronize it so i just leave it in Auto and go about my way.

I hid the secondary Manual/Auto switch in my console

Family owned 1969 Charger R/T DualQuad 440/727/GVO/3.55s