


It will break - PERIOD!!!

I guess I better sell my 8 3/4... its only been
1.19 60'... with BIG slicks... but the car is light,
with the street tires(even the MT EZ Streets) its
gonna have some spin.... but I guess there is plenty
on here that cant build a diff... dont dead hook
ANY car.... you will also notice that you dont see
the guys saying they blow the D60s... and they do
on a regular basis

Mike you are not doing an equal comparison, you have a after market aluminum housing a light car and not a bunch of power.

I'd bet he makes more than the O.P. is planning on.
Like he said......weight kills them.
Add a stick and I would not consider an 8 3/4.
Add up a cap or caps , decent case , back brace and I have to agree that a Dana is a better alternative.
But done correctly , an 8 3/4 can survive within certain parameters.
My gut feeling is a heavy car that makes some oats or a stick shift that hooks would be outside of those.