

Just a littler side note. On my dash the ash tray, and if I remember the glove door is a different shade than the rest of the dash. I guess cause they were painted separate. Remember, stuff wasn't perfect from the factory.

There is really no reason for those parts to be different shades? I definitely would not restore my dash and expect it to have different shades unless someone made a mistake.
You need to paint all the pieces at the same time with the same paint? I'm glad my blue dash all looks the same shade or I'd have to pull it out and get it repainted!

In an OEM application, blue was perhaps one of the most "mismatched" color shades when it came to "original" cars having a "uniform" color application...I do agree it looks nice when the dash components are of a uniform shade/hue, but in reality, the dashes, even in black, had variations in shade/sheen/hue/etc...esp E bodies, but it was apparent with all the Chrysler lines to varing degrees...