Very respectable thing you did. I know I'd more than likely not been able to do that. I will say I never in my wildest dreams thought I could stand up at my moms prayer service as well as funeral and talk from the heart but I did. I think when we lose a loved one we go through tough sad times but sometimes our loved ones fill us with courage and that's what gets us through things. You will notice Owen a lot in your everyday life going forward. There will be signs that you will just feel in your bones he's talking to you. There will be times of pure joy and happiness as well as sorrow that will just come on. It will be Owen feeling things through you. Cherish these moments. I remember after mom passed away I was sitting out front if her house. All by my myself no wind dead calm. I talked out loud to her and asked for a sign she was ok. At that moment I got this chill and a rush of air past me. Trees all stayed still. I believe in my heart it was her. So not to be taking any light away from
Owen but please take the time to notice these little signs he will pass your way. And by all means thank you for letting us adopt Owen. By no means where you ever crossing any lines. Thank you for bringing him to us.


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