
It is a bit of a mystery still... There are no indications on the rocker that the pushrod jammed into the body and dented it. It is possible, however, that the adjuster had loosened some and increased the lash, causing a hammering effect that induced metal to metal contact resulting in heat and ultimately metal failure in the form of stretching and fracturing. It appears to have stretched and torn at the pushrod squirter hole from the edge inward, distorting the bore, causing more heat, then ultimately did a full fracture at the highestload point at the inward side of the bottom of the shaft bore. ...maybe the fracture happened before the tear, would makle more sense. I still am inclined to think loose adjuster was the root.

You can also think of it this way... move the PR in
close... what kind of load is applied to the shaft
and/or rocker... the load goes way up... so if it has
1000psi on it(just a number) is the surface of the rocker
good enough to take that no... NO... thats when rollers
work better.... are any other rockers burnt