apples and oranges scott.

microciruits in NEW cars (note the word, NEW) can easily be damaged by the spikes. just like your PC can. but pre 1980's cars do NOT have those in them. Different result.

try blowing a tube from a 1950's TV by unplugging it. wont happen. too stout. they run on HIGH VOLTAGE HIGH CURRENT. do that to a microprocessor and you can kiss it goodbye.


BTW, the batteries exploded because of the build up of flamable gasses which eminate from the battery. one spark and POOF. now, a car that is RUNNING typically have a FAN blowing which DISPERSES that gas so it DOESNT IGNITE.

Much like how gas stored near a water heater will explode- gas fumes are concentrated and not being blown and diluted but fart next to a bbq and no explosion cause the gas is diluted