Stumpy, the biggest problem with giving advice on the internet is you never know the situation on the other end. For example we do not know the condition of the battery, if it is deteriorated or sulfating excessively. Although highly unlikely things do happen! You never know how mechanically inclined or aware the person you are giving advice is.

I will have to agree with 5537SG. I'm never was a supporter of the remove the battery lead. If it does work for you great (don’t do it though), what I am more concern with is the safety aspect of it. I’ve been a working shop foreman/mechanic at small auto dealership for 15 or so years. In that time I can remember three times where an inexperienced tech have a battery explode in their face, and one time when an experienced tech had one blow up not in his face. So experienced or not it when there is a spark, explosions can happen!

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.