


take the hot wire off the batt while it is running....if it shuts off the alt is bad

Don't do this, not only is it an unreliable test of an alternator, it can damage other components when the battery is removed from the system. The battery serves as a cushion to protect against spikes.

i disagree. its not the best test but it would work. and these cars are pretty stout when it comes to electronics susceptable to voltage spikes.

If youre really concerned, then dont reconnect the battery if the car stays running with the ignition on. have someone turn off the ignition before reconnecting it. then there will be no spike so no possible damage

but a voltmeter would be best. check battery voltage at the alt outpput with the car off and then with it running. voltage should be a few volts higher with the car running

So if you disco the battery from a running car and the car dies you figure you just reliably determined that the alternator is bad? Really?