Okay... heres a hokey question...

How much piston/bore clearance is just too much?

Could you put a standard-bore 440 piston in a standard bore 400? (4.32" vs 4.3422") Assume compression height was viable (which it is, in fact). If so, what would make it last as long as possible?

Only reason i'd even consider that was because this infamous old street racer (a Chevy guy but had done a lot ov time with nitroused junkyard 440's), said the craziest thing he'd done with a Dodge was running with .020" clearance in a 440 (.040" over pistons in a .060" over bore). Obviously done outta desperation, but he said it worked, and "probably didn't burn any more oil than a normal 440..." (bit ov a stab here). That was a pretty fast car apparently. His stuff always was.