
I'd say closer to 700 hours

I'm also sure for a top of the line paint job it would take at least 700 hours.

I just bought a 400 dollar gallon of white urethane paint and 200 dollar gallon of epoxy primer. Both DuPont and that does not include any activator or reducers. Paint is way expensive nowadays. What if the paint you bought is not the regular paint that a guys sprays, then what? Bad idea buying the paint ahead of time imo. Do you have all the activators, reducers, additives to go along with your brand paint? Do you even know what should be used together?

And I don't think you will have much luck buying the paint ahead of time and then expect to give to a painter and have him apply over your body work. Do you take your steak to a restaurant and ask them to grill it??

No way I would do it, not unless you let me block the car until I'm satisfied that the car is straight. And even then I would not offer any guarantee as to the paint job because I don't know what's underneath your primer.

Good luck. Unless you have deep pockets and know a really good shop, I think it's better for you to do it yourself nowadays. Then you will understand what it takes and why 10 grand is not out of line today, matter of fact it's pretty cheap.