Here is something that might be of interest.The women that lives next door forgot to turn her parking lights off this morning and run her battery down to low to crank her SUV,to make a long story short & get to the point I pulled her battery out to put a charge on it and preform a test I put it in my red dragster.The 12 volt battery would turn the engine about a 1/2-3/4 round at a time,but when I turned on the electric fan & water pump & tail light the fan & pump sounded like they were running at 1/2 speed or less and the tail light was a little dim.With the 16 volt that is to weak to even turn the engine at all it will run both the water pump & fan at full speed(as far as I can tell from the sound) & the tail light is bright.

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"