Hey Guys, Planning the install of a ladder bar setup in my 67 Coronet Sedan. I am using this S&W instruction as a guide (http://www.swracecars.com/Files/pdf/ladder_bar.pdf)

I have the front crossmember installed and am looking for answers to a couple questions

1) I read in different places that the lower bar should be close to parallell to the ground, but that doesnt coinside with setting the car at ride height. If i make the lower bar parrallel, the rear of the car sits lower than the front even with 30" tires.
The shape of housing brackets are dictating the distance from the bottom bar to axle centerline.

Taller tires? close to parrallell? what is the right answer

2) the pinion angle is 2-4* down from What? the transmission where do you get the angle of the transmission as ther is no surface parrallell to it, do I use a yolk and perpendicular to it? or is the tranny mount pad parallell?

Thanks for the help in advance henry

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