
1) It is real hard to tell a used bearings condition from a pic. ( A good bearing can easily look like s**t in a pic.)
2) The one half in one pic looks like it could be a little rough
3) Since he did not build this engine he does not know what the bearings looked like going in.........
4) Someone with some experience needs to look at these in person
5) Vernmotors bearings look very good and I would re-use them. Mine always come out looking great I can even see the lines from the dial bore guage. They go back in............. Better a devil you know then a devil you don't.......

After reading this young lads posts we all know he is on a conservative budget. So the most important issue is... What do the crank pins look like?? How round are the rods ? (Is there wear at the parting line of the bearings?? ........if so not good)is one side worn more then the other??

Let me throw this out there.......
If his rods measure round ,his bearing are not gouged or un-even wear, his crank pins are not worn or gouged and are round, his bearing clearance is good (.002 to .003)how could these bearings contribute to a failure???? On an engine like this the rod bearings should never touch the pins. If they do......... New bearings or old your still in trouble

Looking at the pics we see the coating worn away...... big deal some people polish that coating off with scotchbrite. So the coating means nothing...........

One major concern is he wants to run high rpm....... If he does, with out a doubt that will be when he runs into trouble...........

Flame away!!!!!!!