
Awesome of you to share your combo and listen to the criticism on it! definitely helps guys like me learn something hearing all the different perspectives on how to cut the cake

I will say though that I still think your car runs HARD for what it is, regardless of whether or not there is the opinion it leaves something on the table...Thats only 10:1 compression and 365ci in a 3400lb car going high tens!!! I love it

I figured it would be cool to share my build too don't see many like it, but I guess you gotta have thick skin to post up anything on this site . Guess that will teach me to share anything around here. You encounter all sorts on the internet, some with logical objective input to complete hacks and every thing in between. I wanted to get my street car in the tens with a stock stroke motor on pump gas, and I did. Not the usual 4" crank, W series headed cookie cutter motor that everyone does these days (although I can't deny its the better way to go). I'm sure this motor would run mid to lower 10s in a better chassis, but in my car it does what it does. Doesn't mean the motor isn't making the power, just means the motor is a poor fit to the chassis.