

My first guess is that the tranny, TKO-500, is sitting lower then a stock tranny to fit in the tunnel. I can jack the tranny up about 1/2" which really helps the shaker, but then it is hitting the floor hump.

ding ding ding .... WINNER , this is the problem with the TKO KIT.

Instead of mickey mousing it you should have trimmed and expanded whatever needs to be trimmed and/or expanded and set the engine at the proper angle.

Now you need to check your driveshaft and pinion angle and how is your fan in relation to the radiator ???

Well I didn't mickey mouse it, I put in the tranny using the mount and cross member that came with it. That is easier said then done when you don't have a motor at the time of mock up to check it. The fan does clear, but it is close. I did redo the tunnel on the side to fit the tranny, but didn't do anything to the top to raise the tranny cause no one ever said it needed to. Would have been super easy to do when the car was all apart and the floor. Now it is all pained inside and out and I would rather not cut the floor apart again. The kit came with its own cross member so I thought it was suppose to be at the right hieght. Seems like no one can make anything right anymore.

1971 Hemi Cuda 2005 SRT-10 Regular Cab Flame Red. 12.771 @ 109.67<---TIME SLIP--Video