No not implying anything. Just wish my bucket o bolts did not weigh so much so I could run TS with it Also so I was not on the slow side of the Q16 ladder too. Although it has worked out well the last few years for me I hear ya on the buyer part. Although mine was sold and the wife axed the deal, was told I cannot sell it.

Keith, yes you can enter more than one class, or at least I now plenty of people who have anyway. S/Pro runner up last year ran in the Mopar V the world as well in his Camaro, yes GM and Ferds were allowed in Pro and S/Pro last year. Something about it not saying they could not was what I heard.

Not sure why you guys are sweating the Q16 thing. I am not sure the BUMP has ever been 8.53 for the race. Even if you dont make it you get refunded the money, plus you get good times for qualifying. Not like being a super street racer and being treated like the red headed step child and running at 8 am..

Heads up car on the stop...Yeah we are really thinking the national event in S/C will be a good place to test it. Just making 1/8 mile hits and killing it. We are under the 9.05 index doing that will have to come up with a strategy maybe

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"