
The information I just read still shows the cut off as being 9.25 and if you cant make the show.. then you get a refund and enter into either Super Pro or Pro..

Sounds like a cant lose situation...



I now see the 8.53 or faster.. its not until you click on a different page.. But I would still try to enter into Q16.. even if you dont make the cut, you get preferred parking..


Well that there was pretty much what I was thinking the other day as I am sure the car with the new mill will be a very low 9 there and high 8 here at Sonoma so I may have a chance to be under the 9.25 deal but with the 8.53 deal there is no chance at coming close there and I don't want to look even more like a donkey and be way slow so I will just enter SP and be happy, now one thing that I would like to enter as well if allowed is the Mopar vs the World deal. if that can be done we are looking at a potential Gambler race on Friday, maybe some sort of bonus race on Saturday? and then the Super Pro & M vs W race Sunday so 4 chances at 1st round runner up! Anyone know if you can enter 2 classes like that on Sunday? That M vs W is a new one on me
The wife and I already have the time slated off work and just need to book a room so we are as good as there!

Been a few years and looking forward to it.