one time I helped someone put a 727 in a van they had up high on 4 jack stands. the jack would not lift it that high.

I used a 3 foot round tree log with a 16 foot 3x12 scalfold board to lift it like a seesaw. plenty of leverage so I could hold it up there while he moved it on to the dowl pins and start the bolts.

I have made a square base out of short 2x4 adding more boards lifting the trans up as I go.

tilt the rear down add a board under the front of pan,lift the rear and add a board under the back. lay one on each side and repete till it is up ther high enuff.

I have done it with out a jack when I was 22, but I just cant lift it like that now that I am 48.

but I still do it the hard way no matter what.

good luck and be safe under anything jacked up. remeber safty first.