Lets go a little farther here on this... lets talk
anti squat line... this is part of the 4-link you
wil need to know.... if you take a string and put it
at the bottom of the rear tire at the axle an run
it up to the back of the cam(close enough) that is the
anti squat line... if the IC is above it it will tend
to separate the body from the tire/chassis... if its
below it tends to give the car squat... and if its
on the line it wont do either... so you will need to
watch that also.... so between the CG of the car and
the anti squat line along with the HP you can come
pretty darn close then tweak it from there.. once
you find that happy point you wont need more than
about 4 different settings(all the rest are useless
Also when you talk hole locations they are from the
floor(with the drivers weight in seat)on the front
and most on the rear will be from axle centerline...
just so we're all on the same page