

Mike.... Not wantin to be a pain , just kickin some stuff around, Bock filled or wet? Whats the side clearance? Whos piston, Honed with torque plate? Type of piston coating, Shop temp when measuring vs assembly..... The bores and hone should have been like new both times from the amount of run time, Something's not happy in the bores.

No problem.... its a wet block, bores are .002 larger
than the piston manufacturers spec (Diamond) due to
honing... the first time the oil rings almost dropped
through(about 6# pull) so they were too small for the
bore but I tried it anyways... I had a bore of 4.075
instead of 4.070 and I ordered everything for a 4.070
bore(thats what I thought it was without measuring it)
so this time I had it honed to 4.077 and the rings
are 4.080 non file fit which still gave me material
to file fit them..... I had the pistons coated to
make up the difference but they are .001 smaller than
what I was hoping for... temps were very comparable...
within 10*

are you saying the pistons are for a 4.070 bore but the bore is actually 4.077?

machine shop owner and engine builder