Well it didnt go well today... let it warm up and
all looked good... made a partial pull to 4500 and
it made 463 hp and 458ftlbs... it was fat so jetted
down 3 jets all around.. made another partial pull and
seen it was lean coming off idle so we pulled the PV
and plugged it, went up 7 jets, made a 5000 rpm pull
and it was down 50 ftlbs... let it stabilize and made
another pull going to 5000 and this time had to abort...
lost another 50 ftlbs... pulled the filter and cut
it open and seen alum partials... they were saying
it looked like bearing material so I pulled the pan
and a 4 rod caps and a main cap but they were fine....
after that I told them screw it, pull it off the dyno...
only thing I can think of is the cam bearings....I'm
so pissed right now I wanted to just do a WOT to see
what the problem was but that didnt happen... I'll
put it back on the stand