Ok I am going to jump in on this.

I agree all the Klinger wanna bes need to go. No need for 10-15 people for one car.

Josh, your turbo example is perfect. The fast cars need it. Less for the driver to worry about. as mentioned above, get all set go through your routine and then roll forever to the prestage, sorry, I think that would mess with 99% of the people here. expecting the light to be a foot or 2 and it is 6 or more.

Now for being a hater on 4-5 guys with a car on the line at test and tune, be it a 8 second car or a 12 second car. The 8 second car, yeah needed, EDIT: Can it be done with less, sure. But if 4-5 guys is a normal race routine, why mess with it. If only 1-2 are normal, great 1-2 on the line is what is needed. It is good practice for the crew too, stayin in the routine. END EDIT 12 second? Maybe, how do you know there is not an issue they are trying to sort and extra eyes will help find it. New build? New car to them? new combo? alot of variables.

So get the Kingers off the track, crew only limit 5.

sorry for the rant.

Last edited by mopartony; 06/02/12 04:06 PM.