
would these be small tire heads up cars? i was at atco couple weeks ago and counted 40 YES 40 people in the burnout/starting line area. now i will give you that five of them were track workers but fur crying out loud 35 people? you could probably launch the space shuttle with that many people. they were told to clear out a couple times but i think all those klingons in that area is just inviting disaster

I used to think Atco was bad...til I went to Milan last weekend...the entourages are one thing...plus they let spectators stand close enough to the water box you could touch the cars...I've seen street racing that was safer/more organized...haha

Faster, Faster until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death...

71 Swinger - slowly collecting dust/parts
66 Belv. II - just a streetcar
88 Mustang - turbo LS beater