Standing on the starting line, watching my Daughter run my Challenger, was the single most nervous event for me in 25 years at the Track!

I started by writing down every single action required by the driver from start-up at the head of the lanes, to the launch at the tree. I was shocked by all the steps we take for granted. After having her rehearse them in the car, I realized it was just too much, so I broke it into two halves. I added an extra step after she cleared the burn-out box, and put the tranny in nuetral, the added step was called "JUST BREATHE", then start to stage...

Her first burnout went flawlessly, and when she clicked nuetral, I opened the door and peered in at her. Her eyes were as big as saucers and she was white-knuckling the wheel.. "What's next"? I questioned, "Just breathe" she shouted, and instantly regained her composure and focus. Then she staged and did everything according to plan.

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines