MP still makes W2 heads, seems like the primary customers are sportsman circle track racers? Though aluminum is the rage these days, I dunno....W2 heads look to be just as viable as they ever were.

Haven't been able to get any flow data yet, but these look nicer than the previous ones I have worked with.

Can't find anything ugly that I don't like in the castings, machine work looks clean and so on. Looking for differences new vs. old....if anything the castings have more of a "squared off" appearance on the outer walls of the intake ports (looks like more material?). The deck surface also appears slightly thicker to me than the last ones I had, but that's just from memory.

One thing that stand out...this is one of those oddball parts that the casting number matches the part number, which almost never happens. These are the 769s.

Anyway I got a chance to check them out and maybe you'd like to see them too.

I'm sorry my camera skills kinda suck for getting shots of the bowls...I tried, but the pics of those areas didn't turn out well.

7115830-w2heads1.jpg (1917 downloads)
Last edited by ZIPPY; 03/13/12 12:17 AM.

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri