I would say the real problem with the events of today is spectators (the lack of them) the first cc event jj put on had almost the same amount of spectators as the nats.I think it slowly faded away when jj jacked up the vendor fees to the point where he lost allot and when cb took over he just plain pi$$ed them all off and ran them off.

Without vendors there will be no spectators, lets face it watching bracket racing is about as exciting as mowing grass.I love it my self but I am a racer,you need spectators to make a show a success and as racers we need to help get it jump started again.I bring all the people with me I can, anyone I can talk into going then I try to make sure they have a great time,big bbq parties after the race,beer,fish fries ect ect.

If we all do a little it will help allot. we also need to keep a open mind about attractions these promoters come up with.Like maybe a little modern muscle throw down with other brands welcome,old nito cars all brands,A run what you brung class w/20000 to win.What ever it takes to bring in the people and fill the stands.

Not trying to start a argument just spit balling Ideas, it can only go up from here and if we all help push it will go allot faster.

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!