

Why would anyone pay 15-20000 to sponsor a Mopower events race?? Norwalk would be the only event where you could even come close to getting a return on investment.
Maybe it's not always about the money.BGR and Associates have sponsered the Curt George Memorial Race for the last 7 years,6 with the CC/MoPower involvment.We will sponser it again this year.It's about honoring Curt's legesy and honoring all that attend this event.Somethings you can't put a price on,that this race continues to grow with the support and attendence is priceless.We could honor Curt in many other venues like an heavy equipment rodeo,but his love for dragracing Mopars and all his racing friends and family make the choise of having this event only natural and easy.
Buy having a sponser put up enough money to cover the cost there would be no reason for event not to profit.

Will there be a CC/MoPower event honoring Curt George in 2012??
If so when and where?