

If I am putting 6 months of stress and work into something I better be capable of clearing $10,000 or it aint worth it. Yeah they love the sport but 6 months of work to make a grand or break even aint worth it. Nor would it be to most of you.

Seriously!!!! $10,000 profit.....I would think that if BG or Josh would have that attitude we wouldn't have any races to go to. I know quite a few people who promote and run their own events and none of them are knocking back that kind cash.

Then y'all need to start sucking up to the guys that are doing it. I guarantee I wouldn't hold a race where I stood the chance to lose 10,000 if there wasn't a chance to make that much. That's just insane! A 30,000 track rental for a weekend leaves you easily capable of losing over $10,000.
And I think this is where the racers lose sight of the real situation. These races are a business and the chance for loss in the current environment is huge compared to the chance for profit. Thus the events and series are closing shop. I hear guys at the local tracks all the time complaining about how they think the promoter is trying to get rich off them. First off, that's NOT HAPPENING!! For every good weekend the promoter had, he can typically list a bad one. This is one reason I am glad to see guys like Josh have more than one event. Then at least if he takes a hit on one because of Mother Nature (keep in mind they still have to pay for the track even if it rains the whole weekend) then he can hopefully make up for it at the next one. Secondly, nobody stops buying from Jeg's because Jeg's is out to make a profit. So why would someone have a problem with the promoter's making a profit??

AFCO, Rons Fuel Injection sponsored Dodge Challenger Mention Street Lethal Motorsports