Well, I talked to the Toyo Rep for the West Coast (I am currently in San Diego) and she said as a manufacturer, she couldn't do anything, but I should call the distributors from which I problaby bought it from. So I have a call in to them as they were probably closed when I called as it would have been after 5PM on the east coast. But then I am also thinking, why as a manufacturer can't you do something?

This over pressuring the tire to make it bigger...never heard of that before. Don't know if it is worth trying, or worth the safety factor. I am telling you guys, this was really quite a ride, and not fun. I almosted hated to drive the car to the starting line. On one of the first runs it shot to the wall right out of the hole and I backed off in less than 60 foot. And as I said, this car is not that fast.