
Your example is from 1989 and not only is FI much better today than back then, you are talking about motors making no more than 225 hp.

The fuel injection and intake on the 89 turbo motor is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the 89 non-turbo motor.

And yet the N/A motor gets better MPG.

The real world results speak for themselves.

This will only be compounded by modern technology, any improvement that can be applied to a forced inducted engine can be applied to a N/A engine as well.

Rpm isn't necessarily the killer of MPG (I have driven 1.8l Acuras that buzzed down the highway at much higher rates than a typical mopar and get good MPG)

Higher *load* on the motor = more fuel consumption.


Does anyone ever wonder why all the new high hp production cars are forced induction?


Perhaps because more power can't be extracted by N/A means due to running afoul of federal emissions.