speaking of Doc, you want some of the action for 50.00 an hour? go get some. i'm betting you have no idea of the investment it takes to equip a machine shop and keep the doors open. 500K will barely get you started with equipment, add the tooling and supplies, specialized hand tools, maintenance, rent, tangible taxes, employee payroll, (more taxes) electricity, chemicals, etc. etc. and see how that works out for you. you'll work the first 10 hours of the day just to meet expenses, if your lucky. at 50 .00 an hour you'll be out of business in a hurry.

I'll work out of my garage at home for $50.00 and hour....I own a business and have 7 employees, $50.00 an hour labor will in no way cover expenses. At $50.00 an hour, you will have all the WalMart mentality people with their "junk" beating down your doors! Then, come back complaining about everything!! I don't want that kind of work. The shop owner knows what he/she needs to make to be able to keep the doors open, so he/she will be there the next time you need them. How many times have you seen the "low ball", fly-by-nite, places come and go??? If you think shop A is too high, quit complaining, and go to shop B..he might be there the next time you need him....just my opinion. Jeff