I know each engine will want its own tune. I am just trying to get an idea of where the timing should be so I have an idea of what a conservative place to start will be. The dyno's in this area have never seen a twin turbo big block Dodge (no surprise there really). While I will be there and hope to be involved in the process, I also have no experience with anything like this. I would like to go into the tuning session with a clue of what to expect. Or at least be able look at the values on the map and know if they are way too much.
You metioned the cam in your response Kevin, and you are right. I forgot to mention that. Mine also is a custom grind (from Hughes). Ultimately I am not expecting hard fast numbers, just examples of what others are running so that I may get a ballpark estimate. This project has alot of time, monetary, and not the least of which emotional investment. I really don't want to destroy it on the dyno.
Thanks for the feedback!!
