
Dave - You blew it (as in muffler water!) Now you will have to admit all the things we did that were not like the assembly plant... like using hand tools instead of pneumatic tools, taking our time (18 months) instead of 18 hours...etc. Way to go!

You ought to go back and look at some of the hilarious comments that people have made in an attempt to debunk what we did! The angle that Steve spray painted the starter was wrong! We used an airbrush to help make painted parts look new again instead of leaving them damaged looking. Don't forget the one about the alternator being restored "incorrectly" even though that is how we documented it!

Dave, are we the only restoration guys that had to touch up mishaps that occurred during the assembly process? Either some of these guys have access to factory equipment that we were not privileged to use during our restorations, or they don't realize that every insult simply exposes their own hypocrisy! Maybe Alan will let us use his overhead conveyor with the 250 foot dip tank for dipping the body or let us have access to his assembly line pit for installing the engine or the paint booth and baking oven just like Hamtramck used or the robotics used to help install the Dash...........