
The reason I cannot paint the bolts while it is assembled is I have almost every piece under the car, other then bolts powder coated and I really do not want to get overspray on my freshly done parts. I will try the electrical tape but of it comes down to it I will just touch them up with a little brush.

Use an Airbrush for your fine painting details/touchups. You can literally paint a "pencil" line and never see where the old paint starts and the new paint stops. The Airbrush can spray a pattern so nice that the bolt heads will look as if the paint is bleeding from their surface. It is probably one of (if not) the most important detailing tools to finish those hard to reach "touch ups" and not get ANY over-spray on your surrounding parts. You can set the spray so fine that you can't see the paint leaving the nozzle tip. Once you use an Airbrush, you will wonder how you ever got along without one!