I have to agree with Coop too, if we don’t at least keep them separate then it only adds to the confusion of what is correct, what is correct and unique and what never happened because it’s a clone.

How will we keep them separated and draw the line (pun intended) so that the less knowledgeable don’t go away from the event thinking a ’68 B-body with everything A12 is correct? Sorry but if this was a dog show we wouldn’t want (or have) a “Boxer mix” class. This is an “International” show and event at Carlisle and no place to have the slightest misleading or incorrect examples to further confuse the breed.

If the AAR/T/A group allows clones then that’s really going to screw me up because I don’t even know the correct V.I.N. of one of those cars and just wait until I get into an argument with someone because I think they made them in ’73 too because I saw one at Carlisle? Now where is that ’70 Daytona parked? Aaaaahhhhhhhh, I didn’t just say that sorry