Brad, (and all others )

The email I received back from Carlisle Promotion's Lisa Leathery indicated that we will each need to register for the show under a group name/club name. It doesn't look like we can even register for 2005 yet.

I will in the next couple of weeks have a letter go out to all MOPAR clubs that I can find on the web(there is a link on one of the sites for clubs) and will make sure that at least the club officers are aware of the Reunion. That way we won't just be counting on this Forum and word of mouth to get the max. number of A12s. I think I saw about 150-200 clubs so the hard part will be addressing the envelopes. No big deal, just takes a little time.

When it comes time to making plans for the event I will continue to communicate with Lisa and make sure we have the amenities we need, ie. club tent, space for the cars to park together, etc.

To have adequate space for the cars will require each owner to register with Carlisle Promotions so that they know how many of us will be present.

I can add a post to this thread and add names as I get them from all the guys here and from responses to the letter I will send to the clubs. That way the list will grow, we will probably find 'new' cars and increase the traffic on this board as well.

So far I know only first names and a few last names of guys here. Should I do a list by first and last name, first name and Registry Car #??

What do you guys think?


dstryr, since 1986.