I don't get to race often enough to learn about opponents, or get real good at judging the finish line. I do OK, but there are many guys running ten times the rounds per year that I do. So I prep with that in mind, focusing on my run to be the best ever. I do my best to treat every pass down the track the same whether it is a time trial or first round. Same procedure, no worrying about the other lane at all. That all starts at the far end, when I HAVE TO.
Some times game playing isn't intentional, like the time i had my two step set too low for my carb setup. The motor had to drop so many cylinders it created a huge back fire as the tree came down. The other guy looked over, and that was it for him.
In the end, it is focus on your own race that will win the most rounds, given you can run a very tight package. The minute your mind wanders, you are usually toast.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky