we are supposed to courtesy stage but the turbo boys don't have time as they want to stage first & get the turbo spooled up. when we courtesy stage, once one racer goes in full, the other has 10 seconds to stage but that rule don't apply if the first racer hasn't waited in pre-stage. this is where i have my fun. i'll sit in pre-stage & give the limter for the burnout a few taggs while in N. the turbo boys start winding up but i just sit in pre-stage for a minute or more. when they back off from getting hot, my startline crew give me the signal & i quickly drop into deepstage & hit the limiter. starter drops the lights & i'm gone & the turbo car has a temporary bogg with the hot intercooler & an unspooled turbo. this p*ss*s the turbo boys off no end & my excuse is... i have to clear the carb, i'm old school sorry. LMAO.