

What is a good set of headers????/
Answer: NO SUCH THING !!!!!

Obviously you never have installed a set of Doug's headers
I bought a set of Doug's D452's on my Savoy and they fit and look awesome Perfect finish and nice thick 3/8 thick flanges,work with my angle plug Indy EZ heads,gaskets still good since I bolted them on

Obviously , you don't do much street driving with that nice Savoy. Nothing wrong with headers for the strip to gain those few horsepower.
Its just my opinion I don't like headers for the street , just a nuisance !!!I've seen so many sets of headers being removed in my brothers garage in 35 yrs, It just turned me off from them .
BTW , I was using Thorley headers since the early 70s or so when he started working out of his own garage.
YOu have a nice savoy there Gus .