
Yea I can not set car @ 900 rpm, where it probably should be, it is a 4 speed. as soon as I turn idle up and get to about 870-880 it just takes off to the 1050-1150 as stated above and stays there, then have to loosen idle screw to get it back down, only does this if vac adv hose hooked up,won't do this if I plug, but I want it hooked up and it all to work the way it is supposed to. I do not know what else to try before buying a new distibutor.

To me that sounds like a vacuum can adjusted with way too little tension...that means it'll come on quicker...you may be getting some interaction between the vac can and the distributor mechanical advance. Namely, the vac can kicks in...the idle speed jumps up, the dist goes into the mech advance curve...etc....the dead giveaways is that this does not happen with the vac can disconnected.

Toss in an alan wrench into the nipple and tighten it up...so that it comes on at a higher vacuum signal.