when it happened to me last year, i quickly cut every possible extra expense. took full coverage off the cars. used a space heater in my bedroom only over the winter and it was cold last winter. ate romon noodles, chicken legs and PBJ sandwiches for a year. cut off cable and internet. i had a habit of paying extra on bills. stopped that. took every side job i could handle and made it thru the year. i didnt spend a dime on my cars but got to work on alot of others guys cars and found them spending their money on parts i recomend just a satisfying and exciting as my own car and made that extra cash i needed to make it.

I'm in import and export trucking, and we were hit very hard before most everyone seen the slow down. I can say that we are pretty busy again and customers that completely stopped shipping are now almost back to full swing so i would think things are comming around

Gen 3 power 6.22@110, 9.85@135
Follow @g3hemiswap on instagram

performance only racing, CRT, ultimate converter, superior design concepts, ThumperCarbs