Bummer man.
Like others have said , it's only a credit rating.
Keep doing the best you can , and if anyone expects more than that , I got two words for them....the first one begins with an "F" , and I am pretty sure that the powers that be won't let that one through.
The second one is " You ".
Here is a lesson I learned the hard way.
Creditors will do nothing for you while you are current.
Miss a few payments and all sorts of opportunities to address your plight become available.
I underwent a lumpy period , with a layoff of 10 months and accompanying loss of income.
A lot of it was my not seeing it coming and living like a rock star ( figuratively ........ no booze , groupies , dope or anything......just lived well ) , but once it became impossible to make the monthly nut I had to humble myself and make a couple decisions.
And I took great pride in not missing a payment or ever being late etc. etc.
They could have cared less.
Until I stopped making payments.........now , the one creditor who lost my personal " who gets paid " lottery was my friend and couldn't be more helpful.
I wish you the best , and remember this........all you can do is your best.
That is plenty good enough.